Kate & Kendall Monk, Kyneton

2022:  2/79 Wedge St. Kyneton


Note: This garden was opened in 2022

The Aperture Garden is a bold & expressive example of how landscape architectural design principles can be successfully applied to residential spaces. Now three and a half years old, this garden is maturing beautifully within its artful & creative division of space. The use of striking colours, strong forms & a palette of materials reference natural landscapes, both local & abroad.

An average quarter acre block on a quiet street in Kyneton, this garden began as tabular rasa – a blank slate, with little of value worth retaining. It was a true & rare opportunity for the landscape architects to create something completely new & personal for their clients.

The design process involved diving deep into the client’s personality to gain an understanding of who they are as people; what they love, how they connect to the natural environment, and what they need from their outdoor spaces. All this information was collated, analysed and interpreted, becoming a map for the designers to follow. This process was useful because it prevented the designers from getting stuck on preconceived ideas or getting waylaid by trends or fashions.

The garden is a series of connected spaces that are experienced through viewing windows or “apertures”. There is a continuous sense of discovering something beyond; once you are in a space, another is gently revealed.

To move through the garden is a journey through distinct yet connected spaces and visual elements. Each visitor to the Aperture Garden will have their own unique interpretation of the spaces which is as it should be, as gardens are stages that play host to the creation of memories and are constantly changing & evolving with the passing of the seasons.