IMPACT FOR WOMEN will be the focus for Garden DesignFest 2024

As the proud organisers of this event the Rotary Clubs of Kew and Brighton North aim to firstly, raise much needed funds for selected Charities; and secondly, to encourage creative, bold, innovative, versatile, practical and responsible gardening in our Australian gardens.

So far, Rotary, through Garden DesignFest, raised more than $700,000 for Charity.  Thank you for your support






impact for Women is a completely volunteer charity committed to making a difference to Victorian women and children fleeing extreme violence at home.

Abuse and Violence against women is a serious, widespread problem in our society and it has to stop.

Most victims of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence are women and it has to stop.

Because impact has no paid staff or premises, with only incorporated fees and public liability insurance as its main costs, well more than 98 cents in every dollar donated is directed to fulfilling impact’s mission – a statistic of which impact is very proud. impact receives no government funding but does have DGR tax-deductibility status.

impact’s communication vehicles cost nothing: word-of-mouth and social media.

impact has grown organically and, just last April, in readiness for Xmas 2019, nearly 500 volunteers packed almost 2000 Bags of Love, as we now call them, in Glen Eira College, for the women expected to be in metropolitan crisis refuges hiding from their abusive partners. We also packed 90 large bags of goods for case workers to distribute on an as-needs basis.

As well as its planned outcomes, impact has successfully brought together men, women and children from a range of cultural and religious communities all of whom leave every agenda outside other than to do something good for someone they don’t know.

Bags of Love are what impact started with and they are what impact continues to provide: our initial objective was to provide the women in hiding with those things most of us take for granted.

impact’s work has significantly grown and diversified since our humble beginnings in 2006

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