Paul Bangay
For over twenty seven years he has designed gardens all over Australia and overseas, including locations in New York, Normandy, St Tropez, Positano, Jamaica, New Zealand and The Cook Islands. Paul’s early career was highlighted with the Botanica exhibitions that he designed as part of the Melbourne International Festival. ‘Botanica’ were hugely successful exhibitions with the garden loving public of Victoria, who attended in overwhelming numbers that amazed the organisers. There were five in total, held in 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1994.
Paul is also a proud member on the board for ‘The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation’, committed to ensuring the learning of cooking and food growing for children nationally.
After the success of Botanica, his publishing career commenced, with his first book ‘The Defined Garden’, followed successively by ‘The Boxed Garden’, ‘The Balanced Garden’, The Enchanted Garden, ‘Paul Bangay’s Garden Design Handbook’ and the latest title “Paul Bangay’s Guide to Plants’ and his latest book on his own garden ‘The Garden at Stonefields’.
In 2001, Paul was awarded the Centenary Medal, for outstanding achievement within the Australian community at the commencement of the new century.
Paul especially loves designing for country gardens with his own new property ‘Stonefields’ in country Victoria a passionate example.