Note: This garden was opened in 2022
LAKITHI is a large country garden, which has evolved over the past 20 years. It is a blend of formal & informal areas with structures and walls creating several ‘garden rooms’. In designing LAKITHI GARDEN, I have always been mindful of our wonderfully expansive vistas, which I have strived to maintain and enhance.
An Avenue of Pin Oaks, flanked by a Rose and Clematis covered post and rail fence, leads you into the garden. On the left, a large grove of Silver Birch, hugs the bank and gives shelter to thousands of bluebells in Spring and red and white spotted mushrooms in Autumn. Left of the turning circle, steps and a low stone wall with espaliered apples, Altissimo Roses, Oriental Poppies and nepeta lead onto the Eastern Lawn where a majestic English Oak stands century. Four Malus Gorgeous complete the ‘wall’.
From the circle, an arbour invites you onto a tranquil setting of lawn, surrounded by curved borders of shrubs and perennials. The front is backed by a hedge of Rugosa Alba. The front steps, supported by generous plantings of Lavender Dentata lead down to the formal fountain area, where both sides are flanked by purple leaf Royal Frost Birch, under planted with pink daffodils. This area is framed by a formal Virburnum Tinus hedge, accented with evenly spaced Washington Thorn trees. The view of the dam and paddocks beyond is framed by two Robina Frisia, with sedums massed beneath. Right of this a mixed planting of Dogwood, Smoke Bush and Malus Ioensis.
A walk of Cherry Ukon, leads one through the Spirea hedge to the Summerhouse and dam, where Red Stemmed Dogwood and Pistachio Chenensis cast their reflections in the water. Japanese Iris and Water Lilies soften the jetty. Looking right from the fountain, the eye is drawn to a mass of Stipa Gigantea, backed by a copse of Medlars, which steal the show in Autumn.
Above the dam a granite outcrop is home to Olives, Echiums and masses of different Lavenders. Further along is a shimmering copse of Silver Birches, under planted with Bluebells. Above the Orchard is an arbour, bench and a mixed planting of Elvins Prunus, Crab apples, Hawthorn and flowering Quince. A simple mass of daisies lead you to the pool and parkland of exotic trees beyond.
The back steps and walls, softened by David Austin Roses, Nepeta, prostrate Rosemary, cerastium and accented by two superb Virburnum Macrocephalum lead left to the Rose Garden, right to the Vegetable Garden and finally up to the magnificent Eucalyptus behind and the new Picking Garden.
Since last opening, we have designed and built the Picking Garden, The Barn with garden surrounds, developed a new garden on the marquee lawn and replanted a number of old garden beds.
During the weekend, Plants will be available for purchase, along with a delicious Devonshire Tea.
Look forward to welcoming you all to our LAKITHI GARDEN.