Robert Boyle, “The Falls” Longwood (2016)

2016:  'The Falls', 142 Longwood-Gobur Rd. Longwood


Note: This garden was also featured in 2016

‘The Falls’ is a working farm and country homestead set at the foot of a spectacular granite ridgeline that forms part of the Strathbogie Ranges. The homestead, built before the depression in the 1920’s, sits nestled in an eclectic old garden that overlooks a natural waterfall with views out to the ‘Boyd-esque’ landscape beyond.

Several generations of pastoralists have added their touch to the property over the years, contributing to the old world feel of the property. Much of what is seen in the older garden was planted and established by Andrew and Elly Cameron who purchased the property in 1967. Their touch can be seen in the spectacular mature trees in the house garden including a stately Ginko, Chinese elm, Macadamia, Avocado groves, vineyards (the first to be established in the Strathbogie Ranges) Cork Oaks, Birches and many large native trees including various Eucalypts and a stunning Banksia serrata. It is a cool and welcome refuge from the baking summer’s heat.

The current owners, Joan and Ian Ball have added significantly to the property by extending the garden out into the surrounding paddocks. These areas, with our guidance, now include an enhanced vegetable and flower garden, local stone walls and terracing, fountains and elevated pools, an enclosed espalier orchard and most recently an ornamental lake and collection of Oak trees to complement a stunning line of 80 year old Cork Oaks.

We were invited by Joan and Ian to visit the property nearly five years ago when work on the stone terraces and espalier orchard had already commenced. We were engaged to guide the works and local tradesman to best maximise the new garden spaces and layout and to also deal with the significant changes of level. Our suggestions to further develop the garden also encompassed altering the awkward approach to the property and driveway alignment and the digging of an ornamental lake in the prize winning stud bull’s paddock. Much of our involvement through the development of this garden was through on site workshops with local tradespeople, marking out of garden beds, supervision of earthworks, providing guidance on soil preparation, positioning trees and setting out plants. In fact only a couple of plans were prepared through the process to establish planting themes and ensure seasonal colour variation.

The 9 acre garden has many distinct areas and points of interest, including:

  • Mature collection of ornamental trees and shrubs in the old garden
  • Outstanding natural waterfall that cascades over the granite mountain range and flows into a stream running through the garden
  • Stunning line of 80 year old Cork Oaks
  • Local stone, hand crafted terracing, flights of stairs and elevated pools
  • Enclosed espalier fruit orchard
  • Walled vegetable and flower garden
  • Collections of new native and exotic plantings with an emphasis on seasonality and plant diversity
  • Collection of newly planted Oaks and wild meadow
  • Ornamental lake and rustic pavilion